Archive for the ‘ Journal ’ Category

The Weekend: Halloween

Some photos from a family Halloween party. Mostly of my lil cousins though!


On actual Halloween night I went trick or treating with some friends. I don’t feel too old to be doing this. I don’t feel the holiday is celebrated enough, and its a fun thing to do. So might as well while I’m still young right? Probably the last year with just friends since I’ll be 21 next year lol.

New Laptop, Jones Soda, and Ultimate Spider-man

Ok I got a new laptop so I can start blogging again! I still haven’t set up photoshop but I can finally continue to shoot develop and scan film again!
Oh and what a perfect day to start blogging again because this week has been horrible. Between a hell at school and a bad ATM problem, a problem that has left me short on money for the next 5 to 10 days, I just cannot find another reasonable way to vent and relax than spending my time shooting photos again.
Oh, on the bright side of this crappy week, look at what I found in the mail today.

I sent a photo submission to to see what would happen last July and I guess I got picked.
Yeah, I know it’s not a big deal. I mean I think they choose about fifty submissions a month or something right? But my luck in photo hasn’t been so awesome recently, so it was nice to have a win for once. Even a small one like this.

On the comics side I started reading current Ultimate Spider-man (#1-14 after Ultimatum) now that I’ve finally caught up with all the trades (11 hardcovers, it was a lot). And. It. Is. Good. Oh so good. It’s a nice happy colorful adventure of spider-man on one side, and the tragic stories of horror and teen angst that was so great in the original Ult. Spider-man series on the other side. The way that Bendis just constantly beats down on a poor teen Peter Parker makes you really sympathize with him and cheer him on when the fun and happy parts of the book occur. This balance between Peter’s fun and light stories with the Human Torch, Iceman, MJ, and Gwen and Spider-man’s life of just crappy and worst things happening to him is perfect. And the bright, colorful art by Lafuente is jut amazing also. An improvement in my opinion over the last two.

Computer Troubles

Been having a lot of troubles with my desktop recently so I haven’t been able to work on any of my photos.

So… I wont be able to post any photos until I can fix my computer, which may not be for a while.

But no worries, I’ll be back.

Vegas for the Weekend

Yeah! Going to Vegas for the weekend! The only thing bettr is actually being 21… Why couldn’t we wait for a few months!

Ok still, I wanted to relax on this trip but still take some cool photos so i packed light, Bringing only 3 small cameras.

– My Canonet with some 800 speed film for night time shots. Don’t know if this makes any sense but I don’t really get night time photography. Wanted to test the petris 7 at Vegas but realized that its ISO only goes to 400.

– The Diana Mini with Ektar 100 and 200 speed Lucky film for the day. Wanted this toy camera so bad and got it for Christmas from my lovely sisters! But was disappointed by all its problems and after 2 rolls, never picked it up again. So trying it out again with bettr film and bettr knowledge on how to use it.

– And last, my EP-1. Mostly for my daily photos and some videos.

Ok then byebye until next week with some photos!


I love all my cousins but this one might have a special spot because he’s so damn cute.

Rant: Some People I Don’t like

I was really mad for reasons a few days ago and found that I wrote this on my facebook wall. Also wanted to say I don’t encourage any sort of violence, it’s just a crazy rant, all hypothetical:

There are people I don’t like.
There are people I just HATE. But, they haven’t done anything bad to me so… my morals say
“don’t be a dick unless you’ve been dicked yourself”

It’s confusing me and I wish those I hated would just be assholes so I can be an ass to them… I guess I just want to be a jerk to them but can’t.Know the feeling? You know its 100% irrational and there’s no real reason for this feeling yet you can’t help yourself. You usually don’t know what started this hatred for this person. You don’t know why a switch in you brain just turns on when you see them…
It’s like…

It’s like that guy your family or friends knows that just really ticks you off. You don’t what it is…
His looks? His accent? The way he pronounces the name Mario. It’s the way he wears his cloths or the fact that he’s always in shades when you see him like he thinks he’s cooler than you. You know, the one that acts like a total tool and always makes those inappropriate jokes. And you wish that just one of those jokes would be bad enough to really offend you so that you can go off on him.

Or the cop (probably a white racist one at that) you wish would have kicked you a little too hard and broken a rib giving you the chance to sue his ass.

Or that English professor you wish would go crazy and try to stab you with a pencil in front of class so you smash her face in with your $200 text book… in the name of self defense of course.

Or your neighbor that complains about your dog or give you a lecture on parking on your own side of the street. While he/she smokes all over the neighbor hood so that all your little brothers and sisters can share lung cancer. Or stops you as you’re rushing home to watch you weekly scheduled television program after a day of work or school just to talk for ten minutes about the other neighbors. Or play their goddamn music so loud, with their garage open wide just so we all know that yes you have a nice boat, and yes your iPod is full of shitty music. GOD I HATE THOSE SUNGLASSES. And you just wish that they did one thing…. Just ONE thing to make you mad enough to JUSTIFY TAKING A DUMP ON THEIR DOOR STEP!

It’s like that time you really wish that asshole on the street would do something stupid so you can really put your car’s horn to good use, roll down your window, and scream your lungs out at the guy.

But no…

In the end, they did nothing to you.
And you don’t mess with people who haven’t done anything wrong.
Don’t fuck with those who have not fucked with you. That’s your number one rule.
Suck it in and be an adult.

When they wave, wave. But you don’t have to give them a real smile. Give them your best FUCK YOU look. And confuse them.
When they shake your hand, shake back. But grip slightly tighter than them to make them question your motives.
Laugh at their dumb jokes or make awkward silence.

Be a gentleman and be ready, because when they finally mess up.
When they finally do that one thing,
that ONE thing,
that justifies all of your irrational anger…

go crazy

Kodak 400 VC Film with my Minolta SRT 200

Taken a few months ago with my Minolta SRT 200 for my photo class. Been trying out a lot of different professional films for the first time.

I spent this day hanging out with my friend Steven, shooting my new film with my slr while Steven played with my Blackbird Fly. He was holding that camera and looking through it the whole time, but to my surprise, he only took one picture.

Best Camera Ever!

Best Camera Ever! Friend got it for me at Party City for $3.

Also, don’t drink and drive, latr.

Happy Mothers Day!

Heeeeeey! Happy Mothers Day! If you have a mother, go give her a hug. If you are a mother, go find that kid of yours and get a hug…

My Weekend of Friends, Family, and Carnivals

Ok I just gotta say that last weekend was exhausting. Friday was my cousin’s kick back, Saturday I did a carwash to help raise money for Relay for Life, free comicbook day, visited family on Sunday, and the Elk Grove Western Festival.

Photos from the kick-back:

The next day was Free Comic Book Day and the day after that I went to the Elk Grove Western Festival. Unfortunately I went on the last day so all the stand were closing up and only the rides were left, but I still got some fun shots of my brothers and sisters!

Ok tomorrow is the midnight premier of Iron Man 2, so… I’m gonna watch it!

Also, just got the Olympus E-P1 so I guess I’ll talk about it latr.
