Posts Tagged ‘ batman ’

This Week in Comics 10/20/10 – Batman/Superman #77

Batman/Superman #77

The most notable comic that came out this week, in my opinion, has to be Batman/Superman #77. This month’s issue focus’s on a short team up between the new Robin, Damian Wayne, and Supergirl.

Damian is such an asshole but I don’t know why he’s so much likable than the other rude Robin, Jason Todd. I think Damian’s immaturity and arrogance works really well when he has to interact with other heroes like Dick Grayson and Supergirl. He’s also a bad-ass remember?:

Batman Streets of Gotham 11_panel

Batman Streets of Gothan #11

Anyways, this issue is just a quick fun ride if you’re a fan of Damian. Sure, Supergirl is the costar, but Robin is the real treat in this story.

Batman/Superman #77

This Week in Comics 4/21/10

Dark Wolverine #85

If you love Daken as much as I do, check this out. This is the beginning of a crossover with Wolverine: Origins and it starts off awesome! I don’t know much about the character Romulus besides that he’s some kind of Super Claw Guy hiding in the shadows and fucking with Wolverine and Daken. But it seems like they are finally gonna take him down!

Dark Wolverine 85

Now that's just not fair.

Also I’ve heard that Daken is finally getting his own series simply called “Dark Wolverine”. I guess he’s keeping the name even after Seige?

Batman: Streets of Gotham #11

There’s only one thing that makes this issue so great, Damian Wayne. One of the reason’s he’s my favorite Robin after Dick Grayson is that he’s a capable hero. He could actually hold his own and actually qualifies as a teen (child?) super hero, unlike two other Bat-teens. I mean I love Tim Drake but is he a super acrobat or a trained assassin? And don’t get me started on the new Batgirl…

Damian is hard core. Don’t believe me? Check this panel from this issue:

Batman Streets of Gotham 11_panel

"Oh don't have a mask? It's cool I'll just make one with the thick blood coming out of my shoulder..."

-Great New Series-

Electric Ant #1

I know this issue came out a few weeks ago, but I just gotta mentions it. I love future stories with great sci-fi themes, and this is a great addition… so far. Electric Ant is about a man named Garson Pool, a successful manufacturer owner. One day he gets into a car accident and loses his hand. No prob, because in the future replacing a limb is easy peasy. One problem, his doctor says he can’t help him because he only helps HUMANS! Turns out Pool is actually an “electric ant”, a type of robot. This turns his world upside down and he wonders what else in his life has been a lie.

I don’t really like the art, just the way he draws faces, but the story relly has me hook so far.

Check it out if you can.

Latr guys.

[Damian Panel taken from]

New Comics 3/18/10

Wow, some great comics came out yesterday!

Siege #3 doesn’t disappoint but I still don’t know what the hell the Sentry actually is… Someone told me he’s like GOD (in all caps man) or something? I don’t know. The Norman Osborn reveal at the end was amazing, and kinda creepy?

Also great one shot Rhino story in Amazing Spider-man. Kelly tells some of the best current Spider-man stories!

Apparently Batman #697 was pretty rad, but I haven’t had time to read it yet. Who is the Black Mask?! Hell I don’t know.

Still getting the format for the blog down so I’m figuring it out.

Until then latr!