Archive for the ‘ Family ’ Category

The Weekend: Halloween

Some photos from a family Halloween party. Mostly of my lil cousins though!


On actual Halloween night I went trick or treating with some friends. I don’t feel too old to be doing this. I don’t feel the holiday is celebrated enough, and its a fun thing to do. So might as well while I’m still young right? Probably the last year with just friends since I’ll be 21 next year lol.


I love all my cousins but this one might have a special spot because he’s so damn cute.

Happy Mothers Day!

Heeeeeey! Happy Mothers Day! If you have a mother, go give her a hug. If you are a mother, go find that kid of yours and get a hug…

My Weekend of Friends, Family, and Carnivals

Ok I just gotta say that last weekend was exhausting. Friday was my cousin’s kick back, Saturday I did a carwash to help raise money for Relay for Life, free comicbook day, visited family on Sunday, and the Elk Grove Western Festival.

Photos from the kick-back:

The next day was Free Comic Book Day and the day after that I went to the Elk Grove Western Festival. Unfortunately I went on the last day so all the stand were closing up and only the rides were left, but I still got some fun shots of my brothers and sisters!

Ok tomorrow is the midnight premier of Iron Man 2, so… I’m gonna watch it!

Also, just got the Olympus E-P1 so I guess I’ll talk about it latr.


Happy Birthday Ryan!

Ok so last weekend was my baby cousin Ryan’s Birthday. Rya is just the cutest chinkiest little baby you’ve ever seen!

I think he’s like what? 4? So he’s not really a baby anymore, whatever he’s still my favorite cousin.